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NeighbourWoods program launches next month

The City of Kelowna’s annual NeighbourWoods program, a residential planting initiative, will start on Monday, April 4 at 8:30 a.m.

City of Kelowna 2015 Civic Award finalists revealed

The City of Kelowna announced the finalists of the 41st Annual Civic and Community Awards today.

Could $1,000 help enhance your neighbourhood?

The application period is open for two City of Kelowna grant programs that help residents build stronger neighbourhoods.

Traffic advisory for Lakeshore Road

Residents and motorists can expect increased truck traffic along Lakeshore Road between the Cook Road Boat Launch and Rotary Beach.

Sign up for Spring Breakcamps in West Kelowna

Keep your kids on the go and having fun at one of many day camps and outings this Spring Break:

Rutland Centennial Park improvements underway

With work beginning on Rutland Centennial Park’s field this week, Kelowna’s young soccer players will soon have a new place to play.

West Kelowna firefighters to head on a life changing adventure

West Kelowna Professional Firefighters getting ready for third ​annual Fire in the Mountains trip for individuals with a disability.

New yard waste tip fees for Westside Transfer Station

Starting April 1, it will cost you to dispose of yard waste at the Westside Residential Waste Disposal Center

Aboriginal women look for resolution to lingering issues

Fifth annual memorial vigil for missing and murdered aboriginal women highlights need for change.

Fundraiser for Syrian residents getting settled in West Kelowna

In the meantime, Morris said her community is working overtime to ensure its new Syrian residents have a smooth transition