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Kelowna publisher supports Mother-Daughter book

Kelowna-based Big Heart Publishing Inc., book Dreamland creates positive bedtime ritual for children
Authors Dr. Ramneek Dosanjh and her eight year old daughter, Niyah.

Dreamland is a creative children’s book written by Dr. Ramneek Dosanjh and her eight year old daughter, Niyah.

First imagined when Dr. Dosanjh was training to become a family physician and working long hours, this creative venture brought her and her daughter closer. It marked a way for the two of them connect when they couldn’t always be together.

“When time, distance or circumstance separate family, the idea of creating our own Dreamland where we can be connected and present for our loved ones provides immeasurable comfort,” said Dr. Ramneek (Rummy) Dosanjh, a Canadian born, U.S. certified family physician. “By creating this space for my daughter and for children everywhere, I’m fulfilling my personal goal of taking a step towards creating a healthier community and society.”

Published by Kelowna-based Big Heart Publishing Inc., Dreamland allows the imagination to create a positive bedtime ritual for children while maintaining a familial connection. It allows for the creation of a place dependent on the dreamer’s imagination and permits escapism to bridge the gap, whether of loss or of presence, and helps to preserve connection and emotional attachment.

“It’s often difficult for children to understand loss,” said Dr. Dosanjh. “Creating this imaginative space for children to visit with loved ones who are no longer with them or are unable to always be with them brings them a closer connection to their imagination they can control.”

Dr. Dosanjh believes the acceptance of loss and time, fosters deeper connections by providing opportunities for relationship building. Her hope is that she will be able to develop more strategies that will continually promote the health and well-being of children and families.

Dr. Preena Sahota says, “as life is dynamic, we face situations of losing loved ones. Dr. Dosanjh and her eldest daughter, Niyah, have created a valuable tool in helping our children deal with grief in a positive and gentle way.”

From a child’s perspective, the concept of loss and death is particularly difficult to grasp. Dreamland allows the imagination to scheme and to create hopeful scenarios.

“Books like these make it possible for us to actually open the way for conversations, not just for children but for parents and extended families,” says palliative care physician, Dr. Shikha Minhas. “To actually talk about loss alongside hope and opportunity aids in making grief a normalized process.”

Adds Dr. Andrew Collins, palliative care physician, “books like these really talk about grief and loss in a tangible manner that makes it very implacable. The advocacy work undergone by Dr. Dosanjh is incredible. I strongly feel that Dreamland should be available to every family physician, hospital and hospice across the country.”

Big Heart Publishing supports the Canadian experience by focusing on Canadian authors, Graphics Designers, Illustrators and printers. Its books have been purchased throughout North America and are soon available through major retailers across Canada as well as their online bookstore at