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Central Okanagan Regional District wants seconds on food waste input

Residents can fill out a short survey, ask a question, or leave a comment between June 3 and July 2
(Black Press Media file photo)

The Regional District of Central Okanagan (RDCO) has launched Phase Two of public engagement for its curbside food waste collection program.

Residents can fill out a short survey, ask a question, or leave a comment between June 3 and July 2.

“We heard loud and clear in Phase One that residents are interested in a food waste collection program for the Central Okanagan,” said Cynthia Coates, RDCO supervisor of solid waste. “Now, we’re looking for residents’ help to create the criteria for what the program could look like moving forward.”

Phase One, held in fall 2023, indicated 73 per cent support for the program, and 83 per cent of respondents said they would likely participate.

Concerns focused on costs, frequency of collection, and wildlife issues. Those issues will be explored further in Phase Two.

Residents can visit the RDCO website to complete a survey and chance to win one of five $50 grocery store gift cards.

Printed surveys are available at municipal halls across the Central Okanagan, and the administration office at the Glenmore Landfill.

They can be returned to each municipality or the RDCO office at 1450 KLO Road by July 2.

For more information about the program and a list of in-person engagement sessions, visit the RDCO website.

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About the Author: Gary Barnes

Journalist and broadcaster for three decades.
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