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Non-profit to oversee construction of Kelowna crane collapse memorial

Rise Memorial Foundation consists of family members of the victims, community partners, and locals
Knowles Heritage Park has been chosen as the home for the Rise Memorial in honour of the men who died in the July 12, 2021 crane collapse in Kelowna. (Brittany Webster/Capital News)

A non-profit society has been formed to oversee the construction of the memorial to be built in remembrance of the men who died after a crane collapsed at a site in downtown Kelowna.

The Rise Memorial Foundation has a board consisting of family members of the victims and key community partners but is also open to members of the public who wish to be involved in the care or the memorial.

Construction is expected to start in May at Knowles Heritage Park. Approximately $191,000 in donations has been received. The estimated cost of the project is just over $200,000.

Donations are still being collected and time is almost up to get a tax credit. The United Way fundraising website will remain open until mid-April and donations of $25 or more are eligible for a CRA tax receipt.

Kelly Hutchinson, director of the foundation, acknowledged in a press release the three crane incidents that have happened in B.C. since November. A crane incident in February claimed the life of a mother of two, Yuridia Flores. The foundation is trying to connect with Flores’ family about honouring her in the memorial also.

Learn more about the memorial plans or get involved with the foundation by emailing The foundation is launching a new website in June,

READ MORE: Rise Memorial designs unveiled 2 years after fatal Kelowna crane collapse

Brittany Webster

About the Author: Brittany Webster

I am a video journalist based in Kelowna and capturing life in the Okanagan
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