Westbank First Nation wishes to inform the public of the review and comment period for Ntityix Resources LP’s Forest Operations Map (FOM). The Forest Operations Map provides locations for proposed cutblock and road locations that are within the Westbank First Nation operating area under Forest Stewardship Plan #705. The FOM is valid for 3 years, during which time, Westbank First Nation may apply for cutting or road permits for harvesting and construction of roads shown on this FOM.
Members of the public are invited to view and provide comments on the draft FOM package for 30days following the publication of this Ad. All relevant documents and maps will be available at the following website: http://fom.nrs.gov.bc.ca/public/projects
A printed Forest Operations Map (FOM) for the WFN operating areas is available for viewing by appointment at Ntityix Resources LP office located at #102-3480 Carrington Rd, Westbank BC. Office hours are Monday to Friday, from 8:30am to 12:00pm and 1:00pm to 4:30pm.
Comments will be accepted for 30days between October 25th 2024 and November 25th, 2024. Comments may be submitted directly through http://fom.nrs.gov.bc.ca/public/projects, e-mailed to dlawrence@ntityixresources.com, or mailed or personally delivered to the address below:
Ntityix Resources LP
Attn: Planning Department
#102-3480 Carrington Rd
Westbank, B.C., V4T 3C1