TAKE NOTICE THAT: Princess Resort will sell or otherwise dispose of the following abandoned property at the address listed below on or after February 3, 2025, unless, by that date, the person lawfully entitled to possession of the property take possession of it or a person establish a right to possession of it or makes an application to the court to establish a right to possession. WFN Residential Premises Las No. 2008-03 Regulation “E” (Abandonment of Personal Property). Property: Manufactured Home M.H. Reg. No. 024169 Tenant: Jason Ratzlaff (deceased)Address: 100-2035 Boucherie Rd Westbank BC V4T 1Z6. Landlord: Princess Resort (Attn: Manager), 29-2065 Boucherie Rd Westbank BC V4T 2A7