Individuals or Companies listed below, take notice that Mario’s Towing Ltd., 3015 Sexsmith Rd., Kelowna BC, claims a lien pursuant to the WAREHOUSEMAN’S LIEN ACT R.S.B.C. 1979 CA427 and amendment thereto, on your vehicles listed below. If the amount owed is not sooner paid, the below vehicles will be sold on/after September 27th, 2024 to recover the amount owed, plus the cost of sale.
Grant Brown
2008 Kia Rio
VIN KNADE12318603987
Amount Owing $5711.38
Christopher Antle
1978 Dodge Ram
VIN A10BE8S276454
Amount Owing $10 000
Jose Lopez
2007 BMW 328i
VIN WBAVA33597PV66023
Amount Owing $10 000
Robert Patora
2000 Special Motorhome
VIN 1RF120611Y2010821
Amount Owing $10 000
David Kroeker
2006 Toyota Tacoma
VIN 5TEMU52NX6Z275900
Amount Owing $10 000
Rylan Carnegie/Ford Credit Canada Company
2018 Ford F150
Amount Owing $7208.52
Vancouver Auto Credit Ltd
2018 Nissan Altima
VIN 1N4AL3AP1JC204594
Amount Owing $6327.87
Robert McMacken
2012 Mitsubishi RVR
Amount Owing $9099.36