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December 31, 2024

In Loving Memory ~

Ted Zarr saddled up and rode off into the Big Ranch in the Sky, December 31st, 2024, at the age of 88.

Ted arrived in the Okanagan in 1947 with his family from Unity Saskatchewan in a 39 Ford. They all moved in with family in Rutland. He would eventually work at Rutland Box Factory and Crown Zee.

At 19, his parents retired from the corner grocery store and Ted bought it and ran it. After selling the store, Ted became an electrician and builder. He built many houses throughout the Okanagan until he retired at 41. He then followed his passion for horses. Breeding, buying and riding horses into his late 70s.

Ted was a cowboy to be reckoned with in the Interior Cutting Horse Association circuit. Winning eleven 1st place finishes with his cutting horses, Doc and Beepers, he was a remarkable and memorable cowboy. He definitely sat a horse like nobody else.

He was quick-witted with endless one-liners and a great conversationalist and storyteller. We would listen to tales of car rides in his gorgeous cars, horse stories and more.

Left to carry on is his dedicated wife Marg Zarr of 45 years. Traveling the rodeo circuits together and taking care of the farm, they were a great team.

His kids, Melanie, Tracy (Greg), Scott (Nicole), and Marg's daughter, Sandi (David), will all carry great memories of Ted and the farm. His grandkids will always remember him as a true cowboy, never without his trademark cowboy hat and boots.

He is survived by his youngest brother, George Zarr, and many nieces and nephews that considered him a favorite uncle.

Ted will be dearly missed by many, but we say to Ted,

Ride on Cowboy Ride on.

Ted did not want a service and in lieu of flowers,

please consider a donation to the Hospice House.

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