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Letter: Visitor centre like a fixed game show

You had no question that other cities do not fund lavish visitor centres because they too know that they are mere conveniences today.

Mayor and council:

You had no question on the fact that this grand, multi-million dollar project impacts only five per cent of tourist spending (Tourism Kelowna numbers).

You had no question on the fact that North American pedestrian traffic into visitor centres is declining (per RogerBrooks International tourism consultants in U.S) and evidenced by Victoria (down more than 50 per cent) and others.

You had no question that other cities do not fund lavish visitor centres because they too know that they are mere conveniences today. You had no question that the Tourism Kelowna presentation was a pipe dream and not a business plan. She presented the building as the Kelowna equivalent of the old Quaker Meeting Hall of the 17th to 19th centuries. Please.

When you addressed the proponent by her first name (and not the principals of the previous two proposals) I felt I was at a fixed game show in the 1950’s and her family was all in the audience.

If you do not acknowledge these facts and decline this proposal then you are poor custodians of both our land and money.

Don Henderson, Kelowna