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Letnick: Show your heart some love

It’s extremely important that we work diligently on the heart healthy lifestyle factors that we can control.

Hergott: Negotiating a fair settlement #3

Even medical science has difficulty understanding exactly what it is going on with soft tissue injuries…

Letter: Ghomeshi trial exposes systemic judicial failure

To presume all women that report sexual abuse are lying, only exposes the systemic failure of the justice system…

Banka: Family tax write-offs and the new federal budget

Formerly the Universal Child Care Benefit, as of July 2016 the Canada Child Benefit will still be taxable to you.

Letter: Sometimes sexual assault claimants lie

…one thing that the decision specifically rejected was stereotypes, including the stereotype that sexual assault claimants don't lie.

Letter: TPP would allow Canada to be sued over LNG

If [Canada/B.C.'s] prudent processes impede LNG development…foreign corporations could sue.

Letter: Lookie-loos fly by 'at deck level'

A new tourist season has begun, and with it another season of abusive peeping-tom air service…

Letter: Leave farmers to manage their own water

Farmers collectively have proven more responsible in husbanding our precious water resources than urbanites and city parks.

Letter: Waterfront wrong place for tourist offices

I cannot support providing public space for a large building for the use of Tourism Kelowna.

Letter: Thanks from Live Love Laugh

Very generous companies, stores and dentists make Live Love Laugh campaign for the Kelowna Women’s Shelter such a success.