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Columnist regrets negative insights into autobody work

Just like every industry, there are those who are leaders of quality and service and those who are substandard.

Letter: Get rid of racism, greed and we’ll have a model country

Mr. Trudeau is suggesting taxing the rich, but so far does nothing for the menial task worker.

Letter: Many must complain to get bylaw enforcement

More than one resident must complain before RDCO bylaws respond.

Waters: Kevin O'Leary is no Donald Trump

Canadian businessman says he's mulling a bid for the leadership of the Conservative Party.
Things that are going well in B.C.

Things that are going well in B.C.

There's a building boom in the southwest, employment is improving and B.C. is forecast to lead Canada in economic growth

Letter: Pot use while in health care

I refuse to believe that access to medical marijuana is only possible for those with financial resources to be cared for in their own homes.

Letter: Neighbourhood all in the eye of the beholder

Re: 'Beautiful place to live' loses glow, Jan. 15 Kelowna Capital News.

Letter: Okanagan Water Board calls for federal action vs mussels

More decisive action is needed to help protect Western Canada from the spread of zebra and quagga mussels…

Tech Talk: Navigating the issue of screen time in the mommy-verse

Have we traded convenience for emotional well being? Is connectivity worth what we’re giving up?

Albas: International trade top of mind

Liberals were critical of (sale of LAVs to Saudi Arabia) when in opposition now…have indicated the deal will not be cancelled.