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Myra canyon work to be on display at AGM

2017 plans for the trestles to be unveilved including the opening of two original construction camps
Myra Canyon trestles. - Image:

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Myra Canyon Trestle Restoration Society will be held Wednesday April 12, 2017 at 7 p.m. downstairs in the ECCO Centre in Mission Creek Regional Park on Springfield Road in Kelowna.

A highlight of the meeting will be guest speaker Wendy Pope of B.C. Parks who will talk about specific proposals for change in Myra-Bellevue Provincial Park and in the region. Attendees will also hear about projects undertaken in 2016 and the plans for 2017. Included in the plans are opening of two of the original construction work camps (Huissi’s and Morrissey’s) for public viewing. These camps were surveyed for historic artifacts in 2015, and the access trails and sites cleared during 2016.

The Myra Canyon Trestle Restoration Society is a non-profit Society dedicated to improvement of the former Kettle Valley Railway right-of-way between historical Myra and Ruth stations. Close to 70,000 visitors annually enjoy the spectacular views of the Canyon and Lake Okanagan along the way.

This truly outstanding feat of railway construction includes 18 trestles and two tunnels within a 12-kilometre reach. The 2003 Okanagan Mountain fire destroyed or damaged many of the trestles but they have all been fully restored. The society undertakes activities such as construction and maintenance of storm shelters and memorial benches, clearing of rocks and trees and mudslides, repairs to trestle decking and railing, improvements to the paths and protection of historic artifacts.

The society is seeking volunteers to assist in its construction and other activities and to serve on the board of directors. To find out more about the society come to the AGM or visit their website at

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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