Update: 9:30 p.m.
A small spot fire occurred this evening across Highway 97C on the south side of the fire.
“The local fire department is responding and is working to contain it,” said BC Wildfire Service.
Crews working on the Mount Law fire in West Kelowna did not see significant growth in the last 24 hours, said Central Okanagan Emergency Services (CORD).
Assistance from fire crews from Mexico and favourable weather conditions have allowed crews to make good progress on the fire. Fire crews will continue to patrol the south side of the fire along Highway 97C and mop up the north and east side of the fire. A small planned ignition is also planned today (Aug. 29) if weather conditions remain favourable.
“Visible smoke plumes continue in the area and while we know seeing smoke of any kind can be quite concerning for residents, these plumes are coming from within the perimeter of the fire,” said West Kelowna fire chief Jason Brolund. “There are some active areas in this fire. BC Wildfire assures us there is an established fire guard around the perimeter and those lines are not currently being challenged.”
There are no changes to evacuation orders or alerts, said CORD, and residents in the alert areas should be prepared to leave their home at a moment’s notice. The fire is approximately 976 hectares large and is still classified as Out of Control.
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