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Fireball lights up B.C. Interior

From Nelson to Kamloops a large fireball could be seen in the sky on Sunday night.

The sky lit up dramatically across the Interior of B.C. as a large ball of flames headed towards the earth.

Chief Fire Information Officer Kevin Skrepnek was in Nelson when he felt what seemed similar to a power surge, followed by streetlights ‘shorting out’ at the same time.

“Then, to the East, I saw a reddish fire streak in the sky, headed north,”said Skrepnek.

Initially he said he heard nothing, but about a minute later a massive sound — similar to a rolling thunderclap occurred across the valley, for about five seconds.

“It all happened quite quickly, I didn’t see any ground contact,” he explained.

Reports on social media indicate the possible meteorite hit ground in the West Kootenays near Nelson.

It appears the fireball was first seen about 10:30 p.m. in various regions around the province.

Residents from Kamloops to Castlegar commented online about observing the incident.

More information to follow.

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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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