Boxing coach and manager of Kelowna’s popular nightclub, the Liquid Zoo, David Habib has entered the race to be Mayor of Kelowna.
Habib told Capital News that he feels a responsibility to use his strengths of kindness, compassion, and transparency, along with his tenacity to “battle for those that can’t battle for themselves.”
The boxing coach said “we need someone at the top who is not afraid to fight.”
After years in the ring, and fighting his own battles against prejudice his whole life, Habib says he is ready to be in Kelowna’s corner, as Mayor.
He is frustrated that the same issues impacting Kelowna residents have been discussed for the last 20 years, without any action.
Habib said that he blames city leadership and is tired of hearing that projects can’t get completed.
“I just get things done,” said Habib.
He worked in construction and management for years, and was often brought in to finish projects that seemed destined for failure.
Habib said that he doesn’t know everything, but he does know how to surround himself with intelligent people and listen to their ideas.
While the rate of violent crime has increased in Kelowna, the incidence of crime occurring outside of nightclubs has decreased. He explained that this is due to preventative measures and policies, that he has implemented, after working with experts in crime prevention.
Additionally, Habib plans to tackle Kelowna’s housing problem. He has a history of working on developments for subsidized housing and hopes use his knowledge to create solutions for people struggling to make ends meet.
In his work as a coach and at the nightclub, he has watched people suffer from the effects of drugs. Habib said that after helping people work through substance use disorders, he realized that Kelowna has insufficient resources and rehab centres, and plans on addressing that.
Habib hopes to bring his ability to problem solve, listen to others, and seek out resources to the city and encourages people let their voice be heard and to get out and vote.
He is in the running against current Mayor Colin Basran, Tom Dyas, Glendon Smedley and Silverado Socrates.
READ MORE: Kelowna mayor will seek re-election
READ MORE: Dyas first to declare Kelowna mayoral run
READ MORE: ‘Safety is paramount’: Kelowna nightlife can be a zoo sometime
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