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One year after suspicious death at Glenmore dog park

Austyn Godfrey posted that she may be killed days before she was found dead

A woman was found dead at the Glenmore dog park on Jan. 16, 2022, and there are still no updates on the investigation into what police are calling a suspicious death.

Kelowna RCMP continue to call the incident involving the death of Austyn Godfrey a suspicious death, not a murder.

The BC Coroners Service has conducted an autopsy to determine the cause of death, but the information has not yet been released.

Shortly after Godfrey’s death, Ashley Henry reached out to Capital News, saying she was the last person to see Godfrey before her death.

Henry said that they were friends and were safely cuddled up on the couch until Godfrey left at 2 a.m.

A source close to the family of Austyn Godfrey says the timeline of events before the discovery of her body at a Kelowna dog park are not accurate.

A woman, K.C., reached out to Black Press to provide an update on the investigation. She has asked to remain anonymous.

K.C. alleges that the information Henry provided is not true.

Black Press had reached back out to Henry for a response.

“Unfortunately, we know she was into drug use. Not sure specifically which, but nothing good, that’s for sure,” said K.C.

She said that Michelle, Godfrey’s mother, “has been begging for answers and it keeps falling on deaf ears.”

Kelowna RCMP Const. Mike Della-Paolera said that the family will only receive new updates when it does not jeopardize the investigation or is deemed appropriate to release to the public.

Della-Paolera said that he spoke with the supervisor and he advised that the family has been updated.

“Unfortunately sometimes answers do not come easy during these kind of investigations.”

A friend from Godfrey’s hometown of Kingston told Black Press in January he saw concerning posts from Godfrey’s social media shortly before her death.

“She literally posted ‘if I wind up dead it is ‘cause of this guy,’” said Matt Kennedy.

Kennedy said that she had posted the story on her Instagram.

He said that she also posted screenshots of messages between her and the ‘guy’ that she was concerned about.

The RCMP has been unable to comment on the man in the posts.

At the time, Della-Paolera said the RCMP along with the BC Coroners office are still investigating this matter and will communicate all findings with the family when appropriate.

Jacqueline Gelineau

About the Author: Jacqueline Gelineau

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