The previously closed section of Renfrew Road is now open to traffic after a landslide occurred on Jan. 6.
The slide repairs are substantially complete, and the road has been repaved. The slide area will be hydro seeded in the coming weeks, to increase slope stability.
The temporary traffic lights further south on the one-way section of Renfrew Road have been removed, and that section of road is again open to one-way traffic heading north.
Final costs are not yet known, but the repairs did not exceed the estimated budget of $750,000. Staff are continuing to work with Emergency Management BC and the regional emergency management program to access additional funding assistance.
“We would like to thank everyone for their patience and support during these past few weeks. A special thanks to the affected residents for their understanding, and to all those who assisted to ensure the best possible outcome for the community.” said Peachland Mayor Cindy Fortin.