Individuals or Companies listed below, take notice that Mario’s Towing Ltd., 3015 Sexsmith Rd., Kelowna BC, claims a lien pursuant to the WAREHOUSEMAN’S LIEN ACT R.S.B.C. 1979 CA427 and amendment thereto, on your vehicles listed below. If the amount owed is not sooner paid, the below vehicles will be sold on/after February 22, 2024 to recover the amount owed, plus the cost of sale.
David Dmytriw
2013 Ford Escape
Amount Owing $7836.32
Schnitzer Steel Canada LTD
1985 Jeep CJ
VIN 1JCCM87A9FT104412
Amount Owing $5585.50
Sarah Jules
2020 Can-am
Amount $ 12000.00
Triston Cooke
1976 Chevrolet Nova
VIN 1X17L6L140054
Amount Owing $4736.23
Bane Kazemi
2015 ford Escape
Amount Owing $8911.22
Paul Klemke
2011 Infiniti QX56
VIN JN8AZ2NC9B9301894
Amount Owing $3338.69
Raye-Phoenix Grams
2010 Nissan Sentra
VIN 3N1AB6AP0AL605754
Amount Owing $6480.09