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North Okanagan park pup approved

Letter from Lexxi the Labradoodle
Linear Park’s wide, paved walkway is used by many, including bicyclists, dogs, walkers and runners. (Morning Star file photo)

Vernon has so many unique features. I really like Linear Park by 25th Avenue when going for a short walk. The part of linear park I walk on is between 41st and and 37th streets.

I walk with my friend Steve who seems to know so many people walking along here. I think it’s interesting how he can tell just by the way people walk who they are even from a half a block away. He can pick out his friends like Al, Lynette, Jean and so many more. This park has a great mixture of trees, grass, flower gardens and wide paved walkways. I have been told the park was created from an old rail track. Steve knows all the local dogs like Tiki, Jake, Baxter, Teddy, Robbie and Barney. Did I tell you my name is Lexxi a Labradoodle. Shake a paw, stay safe.


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Jennifer Smith

About the Author: Jennifer Smith

20-year-Morning Star veteran
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